Learn to Lead Skills - Sport

Taking your skills to the next level on the sharp end of the rope

Flash or Redpoint?

This course is a full two days of learning, and climbing some amazing Yorkshire Limestone. Learn to lead skills are different for everyone and we work with you to not only teach you the hard skills to climb safely in the outdoors on bolts, but we will also support you with additional coaching to help you get to grips with climbing outdoors.

Sport climbing venues are very popular in the UK and abroad, especially our favourite Spain, and it is very accessible and affordable compared to Trad climbing. If you are also a lead climber indoors, then this is the ideal course to transition to the outdoors, if trad climbing doesn’t appeal.

By the end of the course you can expect to:

  • Have been instructed and coached on amazing Yorkshire crags;
  • Psyched to head out on your own sport climbing adventures;

Climbing experience required:

  • Regular indoor climber on top rope, once a week or so
  • Proficient top rope belayer, including holding falls
  • Or, completion of Rock Skills Intermediate
  • Or, regular indoor lead climber

This course can also be combined with the Learn to Lead – Trad for a 3-day Learn to Lead Skills package. Please Contact Us if this is the case.

need to know

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